Dry thistle
Blue and white paint
Very fine clear or white glitter
Glue spray for scrapbooking (or something similar)
Medium and small paintbrush to get into hard to areas of the
Make sure you clean your thistle before painting them. I
painted the tops of the thistle a very light blue (mixed white and blue) and
the rest white. I let it dry overnight. Next, I place the newspapers down on
the floor and place the painted thistle over it. I spray glue the tops (I do
not spray glue the whole “branch”) and immediately glitter lightly each
thistle. Do one at a time so you don’t have to redo them.
Note: you can do this on pine cones and acorns (or anything
else that would look attractive). Also, my photos don't do justice as they are very pretty, sparkly and look like snow.